These days, drinking water varieties seem endless - but they aren't all the same. Here's why you should avoid drinking ...
Long's EcoWater Systems helps you understand the most popular ways to make hard water soft in order to choose an appropriate ...
Pour a few drops of your favourite perfume into a vaporiser to diffuse a hint of your scent into an entire room. If you own multiple bottles of perfumes, you can choose a fragrance perfect for the ...
First, run white vinegar through the coffeepot to help get the oily buildup out of the inner workings of the pot. You might ...
A stuffy nose can make it incredibly difficult to get a good night’s sleep. When congestion blocks your nasal passages, ...
If the water smells strongly of chlorine, let it stand longer or aerate it by pouring it between two containers. Chlorination is effective against bacteria and viruses but does not remove heavy metals ...
For the purists who don’t need bells and whistles, these capsules are the answer. No weird additives, just potent, organic ...
AT this time of year many are starting to think about a spring clean. Starting the warmer season with a fresh home is a great feeling. But it can be pricey buying all the supplies you need to get ...
Alarm bells have started to ring from the lower riparian farmers who fear acute shortage of water. Like other underdeveloped ...
“Brewed tea (in distilled water) contains about 1-4 ppb of lead. Drinking water in the U.S. from public water systems ranges from about 1 to 10 ppb for most systems, and levels in the range of ...
Another possible cause is from over-fertilizing. New Guinea impatiens are notoriously fussy when it comes to feeding and, in fact, need very little fertilizing – once every four to six weeks is plenty ...