Resurrected over Diablo 3, with franchise lead Rod Fergusson weighing in.
A pixel art Diablo rival from an indie studio, Hero Siege has just hit a new all-time high player count over a decade after ...
As soon as I saw the Beatles, I was determined to be a guitarist in a rock band.” Slankard threw herself into music headfirst ...
As for the story, Hell Clock puts a supernatural twist on the War of Canudos, an event in 19th-century Brazillian history ...
A new exhibition in New York brings together a diverse collection of posters reflecting the opposing ideologies surrounding ...
Traditionally reserved for only the richest video game collectors, these classic RPGs are back in a more affordable bundle ...
For those among us who are initiated in any way in the world of video games, Blizzard Entertainment used to be the video game equivalent Christopher Nolan. They were famous ...
“Soulslike” is a perfectly apt word to describe all the games that borrow ideas from FromSoftware’s modern school of design.
Thursday marks the last full day that vehicles will be allowed to drive on San Francisco's Upper Great Highway. The road will permanently close to traffic at 5 a.m. Friday in the first major step of ...
A much stronger line-up compared to February, the next batch of free PlayStation Plus games have a March 4 release date. The free PS4 and PS5 games should be available to download and install from ...