And then this little mark here is a, a, a pony hoof. GUEST: Oh ... Did a lot of wrangling with cows and horses and all that. GUEST: Yeah, his... APPRAISER: So he's, he became a real cowboy ...
Inspiration is hard to come by when writing about this North Carolina townhome. Not even a painting of a Waffle House is ...
Dairy cow exhibitor Merv Livingstone has been to every on of the ... Ten-year-old show jumper Josephine Chatres is painting hoof oil on her Connemara to make the hooves shine. She likes to pamper ...
includes her favorite cow, “Sparkle,” who recently got her feet trimmed. Quickly putting a video together, Megan told viewers that Sparkle was not only getting a pedicure, but she was also getting ...
Gov. Greg Abbott will be able to look at a painting of a long-haired, brown Highland calf in a bucket surrounded by daisies.
Sophie Zhou, a junior at The Kincaid School, was one of dozens of student artists to have their work selected to be auctioned ...
On the other side, native vegetation leads down to the mighty Waiau River. Dairy cow exhibitor Merv Livingstone has been to ... advises that horses and pigs don't make good companions, and that they should be separated by a fence.
Sassy, Sunny, Hank and the other horses who call Carriage Hill MetroPark home contribute every day to visitors’ wellbeing and education, from offering their backs for pony rides to demonstrating how ...
The outside toe bears a significantly larger are of ground contact than the inside toe. In one study, of cows with hoof cracks, 62% had one crack, while 91% had one or two hoof cracks. A subsequent ...