Surveying his farmer-clients, Ken Ferrie compiled a list of ways to increase profit margin. Specialty crops, such as popcorn; ...
Salt is lethal to crops typically grown on Delmarva — the corn, soybeans and wheat that become fodder for the region’s $5 ...
Calhoun County farmers plan to adjust crops based on market prices and input costs, with peanuts being the most profitable ...
The Emergency Commodity Assistance Program will pay farmers a flat rate by acreage for eligible commodities like wheat, corn, ...
Everything from possible ongoing dryness are factoring into planting decisions right now in the Northwestern ...
The director of the Renk Agribusiness Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison says the USDA projects 2025 farm ...
Fifth-generation farmers from Barron County don’t wait for National Ag Week to promote their business, it's something the do ...
Uncertainty in both commodity prices and input prices is making farmers’ already tough job even more difficult.
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on USDA’s announcement that it will release $10 ...
Semira Mancill and Ronnie Schnell are passionate agriculturalists who live their love for agriculture beyond their nine-to-five jobs.
The farm is as neat as a pin. A gravel roadway winds around the three-bedroom ranch, and in between 11 outbuildings and nine ...
Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins today announced the appointments of the leaders of the Farm Service Agency, the Risk ...