Key agreements in the "Law of the River," which encompasses more than 100 years of regulations, laws, court decisions and ...
The amount of snowmelt expected to reach the key reservoirs on the Colorado River this spring is far below the median of the ...
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
— Jennifer Neuwerth, acting director of the Colorado River Water Conservation Board of California, told a board meeting last ...
Freshman Representative Jeff Hurd (R-Colo.) is sponsoring a bill that would require Bureau of Land Management field offices ...
Retaliating against Mexico through Colorado River deliveries stands to sour relations along a waterway where the U.S. has worked for years to build a ...
Nevada, California and Arizona hope to work with Trump’s Bureau of Reclamation on solving the Colorado River crisis.
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change the federal government’s approach to Colorado River water shortages. The three states say new rules should include ...
As winter nears its end and Colorado’s mountains get hit with the latest March snowstorm, climatologists and forecasters are ...