A member of the church said the service is designed to remind members of the Hispanic community they're not walking alone.
First Presbyterian Church of Atmore was engulfed in flames after lightning strikes in the area on Saturday night.
Former Gateway Church elder Tom Lane this week was dismissed from a federal lawsuit against the church, which alleges the ...
The church is located at 1202 E. Fifth St. Services are at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sermons are posted at apcgi.org/Live and ...
A 101-year-old church damaged by severe storms last weekend in Elgin, Illinois, will hold virtual worship services on Sunday, ...
It’s hard to live in Utah and not know the name Pamela Atkinson. It’s even on the state tax form for a homeless trust fund.
A tale of good versus evil played out on the large screen in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Finland. Jesus ...
Most of the congregation is over 60 and can no longer keep up with maintenance, hiring contractors and ensuring compliance ...
Members of Pursuit of God Church in Frayser held their first service Sunday morning after the passing of their pastor, Ricky ...
How tiny Oregon, Illinois, has spent decades grappling with one strange congregation, from abuse allegations to a leader who ...
The arm of the church serving U.S. Armed Forces and veterans hospitals is one of the few Catholic groups that has not created ...
On Sunday, 16 March, Furzebank Worship Centre celebrated their 40th anniversary as a church on Brackendale Estate, Short ...