Longbow has pulled the covers off what it’s claiming is the world’s first FEV – featherweight electric vehicle – designed to ...
Well, it turns out a few ex-Tesla and Lucid executives got tired of waiting for a lightweight electric sports car, so they ...
Reliability is one of the most important considerations for used car shoppers seeking value for their dollar. The Honda Fit ...
And then there’s the name. “Roadster” is a direct shot at Tesla’s infamous delays. “A lot of customers have put deposits down for a Roadster they can’t get,” Longbow’s founders said. Their answer?
No more, says Lexus. The latest RZ gets similar enhancements to the updated bZ4X, all while standing on its own with a unique battery, much more power and the first-ever deployment of Toyota's ...
UK startup Longbow has emerged from stealth with plans for two EVs billed as "spiritual successors" to iconic British sports ...
Longbow Speedster and Roadster, planned by former Tesla and Lucid execs, promise light curb weights and quick launches. But ...
The Model 3 is ubiquitous, but the Polestar 2 is turning heads. So, which should you choose: the tried-and-true Model 3 or ...
The extremely online car fan set will surely need no introduction to Mansory, the German outfit best known for festooning ...
Some Tesla owners are considering selling their cars as backlash against Elon Musk and DOGE grows. They may have to take a serious haircut, with prices for used Teslas plummeting in recent years.
Joan Pence, whose work with the activist group Western Wayne Indivisible has helped grow the West Bloomfield protests, said ...
Tesla was one of her top choices. But after test-driving a few Chinese cars, she went with a sports sedan from Xiaomi, a consumer gadget maker better known for its smartphones, kettles and robot ...