Art History, once a staple in every college humanities curriculum, is now seen as elitist and futile. With Donald Trump back ...
On a recent trip to Atlanta, we revisited a house built by a rabbit but named after a bird. The rabbit in question is Brer ...
The Hechinger Report reports that the University of Arizona, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and the Georgia Institute of ...
The study of the human condition has long been fragmented into distinct silos, dividing the humanities from the interpretive social sciences. While each of these disciplines addresses vital questions ...
How can we create new ways for understanding how AI image-production models inform our experience of the world?
A 2019 survey on career awareness among Indian students found that 93% of those aged 14 to 21 knew only about seven career ...
Why does it feel so good to be in a garden? The latest collaboration with USA Today shares the plants, people and stories of ...
Understanding life is not just about place but people. For renowned anthropologist and Bennington College professor Miroslava ...
In this shifting global landscape, it seems that territory and external control are once again becoming central to ...
"The strong and inescapable sensation of dread and anxiety has chilled or outright stopped much important research and work,” ...
Due to the rapid rise and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT, ClaudeAI, and DeepSeek over the past several years, the National Academies’ Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous ...
The Jackson Museum School is the latest charter school applicant vying for the establishment of a "museum-school model" in ...