In November 2024, Manoj Bhoyar was also honoured with the prestigious Global Recognition Award for his remarkable contributions to financial technology. To explore the journey behind his groundbreaking achievements, we spoke with Manoj about his career, innovations, and the future of financial technology.
Let's look at the transformative impact of AI and ML on financial risk management, their potential and the challenges that must be addressed.
AI presents future-proof opportunities for professionals looking to pivot their careers or enhance their skill sets. Here are three high-paying positions.
Impact Analytics, a provider of artificial intelligence (AI)-native solutions for retail and other industries, has partnered with two Italian footwear retailers, PittaRosso and Scarpe&Scarpe, to implement generative AI solutions.
In the case of Microsoft and AI, that's not something being considered, as the software giant plans on spending $80 billion dollars on machine learning technology this year. Microsoft casually dropped the monstrously huge sum of money in a long-winded blog by Brad Smith,
By grappling with the messy and unpredictable side of existence, machine learning can have impact beyond the digital.
An AI expert argues AI progress hasn’t stalled, it’s become invisible, which could leave us unprepared for the future.
Only a small fraction of the world’s literature is ever translated. If AI could increase that, it would broaden access to diverse voices and ideas, enriching the global literary landscape.
Using a new artificial intelligence method, researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons can accurately predict the activity of genes within any human cell, essentially revealing the cell's inner mechanisms.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in reshaping the educational landscape. Sandeep Kumar Nangunori, a thought leader in this field, highlights how AI-driven databases are setting new benchmarks in personalized learning and educational efficiency.
Small language models capable of addressing specific tasks without burning through processing power are likely to surge in popularity.
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning initiative is aimed at helping organizations across the Garden State bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and how businesses can best implement it.