As noted in a recent review, street art is enjoying a surge of artistic recognition and stature in Melbourne. The city and ...
Two lonely women are both separately having terrible days in SAUCE, performed by the Bare Witness Theatre Company and ...
The Dal Stivens Award is presented biennially to an author, aged 30 or under, for a short story or essay of the highest ...
Grab your passports! The Marten Bequest Scholarships offer up to $50,000 for artists in various artforms to develop their ...
Love Actually? The Parody Musical! is not high art, nor does it pretend to be. The joy of the experience comes largely from ...
Have you ever wondered why the oboe begins the tuning? How is the starting note decided? With access to electronic tuning ...
$15,000 for an author, aged 30 or under, of an outstanding novel or novella to encourage advancement of their literary career ...
The final video of four learning modules, offering practical advice for creative businesses and produced by The Big Idea in ...
It can be tough out there when for writers who are all alone... but an experienced writing coach can assist you in your life, ...
Wondering how to bring out your best self at work? Image: Olia Danilevich, Pexels. By far our most read career advice story ...
In part two of a three-part article, Rick Heath examines why the Australian arts industry is not valued or invested in ...
The long-running company, Canberra Youth Theatre, will not stage any productions in 2025 and is also cutting back and ...