It takes a lot of helpers to build up the protein complexes required for photosynthesis and to constantly repair them in strong light.
Nine of the authors are members of the Research Training Group “Monoaminergic Networks & Disease”, MoNN&Di”, funded by the German Research Foundation (from left: Beyza Bozkurt, Dirk Jancke, Ida Siveke ...
People who reduce their screen time on by merely one hour a day improve both their well-being and their motivation at work. On average, we spend three and a quarter hours a day looking at our phones.
Access will be granted starting October 8. Registration is now open. With GPT@RUB, Ruhr University Bochum is providing all students, teachers, and staff with a privacy-friendly way to use ChatGPT and, ...
Its genes give it a life expectancy of around 400 years: The Greenland shark is the longest-lived vertebrate known in the world. An international research team has decoded the genome of the ...
For Nathan Chapelier the notions and ideas involved in mathematics are beautiful. In this interview, he explains what he loves about his job and what challenges it entails. Supported by a ...
In his opening speech at the jointly organized symposium “Cutting Edge Research for Smart Societies”, the Rector of Ruhr University Bochum, Professor Martin Paul, emphasized the importance of the ...
Computer models of neural networks developed by humans can be arbitrarily far removed from reality. Nevertheless, they are a great help to researchers in planning and evaluating learning experiments.
Die Zoom-Reihe für neue Forschende startet im Oktober in die nächste Runde. Die Zoom-Reihe für neue Forschende „Die RUB stellt sich vor“ startet im Oktober 2024 in die nächste Runde. Einmal im Monat ...
Die Oberfläche der Erde verändert ständig ihr Gesicht: langfristig durch tektonische Prozesse, aber auch mitunter schnell durch starken Niederschlag, eine Überschwemmung oder einen Erdrutsch.
So richtig nach Haus sieht es noch nicht aus an dem Ort, der einmal das Haus des Wissens werden soll: Mehr als die Außenwände stehen vom ehemaligen Gebäude der Bochumer Post gegenüber dem Rathaus ...