Help to search for the document year in the ‘find results by document number’ widget. Letter from Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), to Bob Kieffer, ...
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2770 of 12 December 2023 prohibiting the introduction into the Union of specimens of certain species of wild fauna and flora in accordance with Council ...
It will not issue FLEGT licences for: any shipment of timber products that has not been legally produced under its country’s laws as specified in the agreement; or in the case of imported timber, ...
The Official Journal of the European Union is the official publication (gazette) for EU legal acts, other acts and official information from EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. It is ...
The regulation aims to establish a high and uniform level of civil aviation safety while ensuring environmental protection. It updates aviation safety law and includes: deal with the growth of air ...
This case regards a question of enforceability of a foreign judgment heard by the Tribunalul Constanţa (hereinafter ‘Court of First Instance’). A creditor (hereinafter ‘the plaintiff’) asked the Court ...
1 Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku odnosi se na valjanost Provedbene uredbe Komisije (EU) 2021/910 od 31. svibnja 2021. o razvrstavanju određene robe u kombiniranu nomenklaturu (SL 2021., L 199, str ...
Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2024/3183 del Consiglio, del 16 dicembre 2024, che attua il regolamento (UE) n. 269/2014 concernente misure restrittive relative ad azioni che compromettono o minacciano ...
You can browse by any EU institution via the main menu on EUR-Lex and find documents specific to that institution as well as ...
vyvíjajúce sa výzvy a príležitosti, ktoré prináÅ¡ajú environmentálne a klimatické krízy, technologický pokrok, demografické zmeny, zdravotné krízy a globalizácia a ktoré zdôrazňujú potrebu inovatívnych ...
Arbori de transmisie (inclusiv arbori cu came și vilbrochene) și manivele; lagăre și cuzineți; angrenaje și roți de fricțiune; șuruburi cu bile sau cu role; traductoare de viteză și alte variatoare, ...