An article from the April 1953 issue of Good Housekeeping. [Proquest] Polio, short for poliomyelitis, infects the intestinal tract. It can then travel to the brain stem, where it halts lung ...
If a historian of the United States entered the public square in the 1960s or 1970s, it was often for reason of radical commitments. Eugene Genovese became a lightning rod after offering his ...
Andrew Donnelly is an assistant professor of English at the University of Memphis, where he teaches courses on literary and cultural history. His book, Confederate Sympathies: Same-Sex Romance ...
Martin E. Marty, in Sightings, the newsletter of the Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago Divinity School (5-2-05): In last week's U.S. News & World Report, Michael Barone reassured ...
One of the most intriguing stories about racism in America was that of the successful drive to get Hattie McDaniel the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance as Scarlett’s Mammy in ...
Mr. Chapman is an instructor of history and social science at Lincoln Trail College in Robinson, Illinois. Ronald Wilson Reagan is no longer this side of eternity; his battles are over. Like the ...
Lori Clune is a lecturer in history at CSU Fresno and a PhD candidate at UC Davis. Her dissertation is entitled "Executing the Rosenbergs: A Transnational History." I met Stephen Ambrose when I ...
The event that triggered the formation of the Dixiecrat Party in 1948 was the hotly-fought passage of a ground-breaking plank calling upon Congress to approve a civil rights act to assure blacks ...
Mr. Heinz is Associate Professor of History at the University of San Francisco and the Director of the Swig Judaic Studies Program. Am I crazy or did George Bush just miss a great chance to enter ...
Bill Moyers, in a speech at the National Conference on Media Reform in St. Louis, Missouri (5-15-05): The story I've come to share with you goes to the core of our belief that the quality of ...
Barbara Weinstein is professor of Latin American History at NYU. In 2007, she served as president of the American Historical Association. Her books include The Amazon Rubber Boom, 1850-1920, and ...