SAN DIEGO — The work of the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance goes far beyond what we see here at home. In fact, they are gaining critical knowledge daily all around the world, including in the ...
“Panda diplomacy” has returned to the United States in earnest — with San Diego leading the way. The San Diego Zoo announced ...
While visiting the San Diego Zoo this week I was drawn to a crowd that had gathered in front of the Andean bear exhibit. Directly in front of the crowd was a bear on a high branch, bouncing as if ...
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, the Norwegian Polar Institute, and the University of Toronto Scarborough reveal the first ...
CREDIT: Polar Bears International / Norwegian Polar Institute / San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. Polar bear mothers in the Arctic generally give birth in early January around the start of the new ...
and the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. “Polar bear mothers are having increasing difficulties reproducing due to climate-driven changes, and are likely to face further challenges with the ...