A new lawsuit filed by the ACLU could set a precedent between landlords and tenants.
Teller County Sheriff Jason Mikesell has been in a long war with the ACLU of Colorado since the early days of the first Trump ...
Landlords cannot threaten, harass, intimidate, coerce tenants based on their perceived immigration status,” said Tim ...
DENVER (KMGH) — The ACLU of Colorado filed a lawsuit against an Aurora landlord on Tuesday, claiming the landlord repeatedly harassed their Venezuelan tenants and threatened to report them to ...
The ACLU of Colorado has filed a lawsuit against a pair of Aurora landlords who the civil rights group accuses of threatening tenants, in violation of state law. An ACLU spokesman says the threats ...
"One has to wonder if they're doing it so they don't have access to counsel, so that they can be held without rights, and so ...
In the first week after the order was signed, some hospitals across the country — in Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington, Colorado, and Virginia at least ... Lambda Legal, the ACLU of Maryland, and ...