funding cuts mean for the fight against the rising NCD burden.The NCD Global Forum is the first to be held in Sub-Saharan Africa. Why Africa at this particular moment, and Rwanda to be specific?
How much do you understand about NCDs, their burden on society and the available solutions? Explore real life stories of people living with chronic conditions Dive into the stories from ...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, mental health, and neurological disorders are responsible for 75% of deaths worldwide.
About 60 000 South Africans die in a year from diseases that are not caused by tuberculosis or HIV before they turn 70, and about a fifth of these are from diabetes ...
In terms of economic impact, Jamaica is projected to lose US$18.45 billion for the period 2015-2030 due to the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health, which are ...