Erhard, 62, pink-jowled, cigar-smoking, fast-talking “engineer of the West German economic miracle,” became Vice Chancellor only 16 months ago. He had given Adenauer his winning prosperity ...
The country needed a miracle in order to recover and it got one. Germany did not invest enough money into the electricity supply system for many years According to Eichengreen and Ritschl in their LSE ...
Stock-market shares had fallen 4 to 10 points on the news that the architect of Germany’s economic miracle ... ten years of strong-willed party rule. West Germany had at last found a crown ...
In 1949 the Federal Republic of (West) Germany was established, and Erhard joined the Christian Democratic Party. He advocated the views of an economic group known as the Ordoliberals. Opposing a ...
FRANCE 24 visited the town to examine the realities of this new “economic miracle” as Germany heads into parliamentary elections. At the heart of Grünheide, a small town in Brandenburg ...
The victory of conservative candidate Friedrich Merz in Sunday’s German election has raised hopes that this 69-year-old former corporate lawyer will wave a magic wand and end years of economic ...