In front of me was a man considering a vocation to the priesthood and behind me was a college student who ... with God through St. Thomas Aquinas or sought an answer to prayers through his ...
Massive and unusually elongated, “The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas” depicts the ... As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this ...
Students at Providence College are now ... Teller said he advised a few to consider a visit to the chapel to say a prayer to St. Thomas Aquinas, the patron saint of Catholic education, while ...
Hafenmair was one of more than 1,500 people who visited Ss. Philip and James Dec. 17-18 to pray and venerate the relic of St.
Carol Zimmerman, news editor at the National Catholic Reporter, went to see the purported skull of St. Thomas Aquinas. She tells NPR's Ailsa Chang about its importance to Catholics and her experience.