A grizzly bear rips meat from a part of an elk carcass in Yellowstone National Park. Arctic Media / Adobe Stock If you were to write a list of what grizzly bears eat, the result would look shockingly ...
Red pandas are the puppies of the bear world. These endangered non-aggressive bears are protected in Myanmar, China, Bhutan, ...
University of Toronto Scarborough researchers have directly linked population decline in polar bears living in Western Hudson Bay to shrinking sea ice caused by climate change. The researchers ...
When black bears first emerge from the den in the spring, they'll eat tender grasses and vegetation like dandelions. Donna Feledichuk / Adobe Stock What do black bears eat? You name it, and a black ...
It's little wonder their hunger has driven them to consider eating stray humans. We weren't naïve, of course, about the potential threat. I was fully aware that polar bears are among the very few ...
says that while bears have been observed killing other bears to eat them, this situation seems to be more of an exception than the rule. Instead, the review finds that cannibalism most often appears ...
The remote cameras have captured the moment a mother pokes her head out from her den to see if the world is safe enough for her little ones.