The film, produced by Pa Ranjith's Neelam Productions and S Sai Venkateswaran-S Sai Devanand's Learn and Teach Productions, also stars Riythvika, Vinsu Sam, Shabeer Kallarakkal, Muthukumar ...
Ranjith also delved into working as an assistant director under Venkat Prabhu and said, “When I joined VP sir, he was more like a student than a teacher." Opening up to a room full of young and ...
The film's growing demand has led to housefull shows in theaters across the country. Pa Ranjith’s Thangalaan: A blend of Naga mythology and history, starring Chiyaan Vikram Directed by Pa.
‘Thangalaan’ star Parvathy Thiruvothu and director Pa. Ranjith dive deep in this episode of "On the Scene" with IMDb, ...