Beavercreek city leaders and residents have come to a compromise for now on the topic of lawn maintenance, but some residents say the language is still unclear. The new language of Beavercreek's code ...
of adults in Ohio identify as Christians ... 2025. “2023-24 U.S. Religious Landscape Study Interactive Database.” doi: 10.58094/3zs9-jc14. 901 E St. NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 USA (+1) 202-419 ...
In maturity, the basswood develops a pyramidal shape and can grow to 80 feet high and 50 feet wide. The heart-shaped leaves ...
Orders are now being accepted by the Lucas Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) for their annual Tree, Shrub, and Garden ...
Typically found as an understory or middle layer shrub, witch hazel can reach heights of 15-20 feet but can be contained in the home landscape with judicious pruning.
and a cold winter will not automatically result in reduced insect populations in the landscape the following spring and summer. Some insects are simply unaffected by even our coldest Ohio winters ...
This comes after an Ohio Department of Youth Services employee Marlean Ames alleged discriminated after two LGBTQ+ employees obtained jobs she claimed they did not deserve. The Supreme Court could ...
COLUMBUS — Ohio has reached a milestone with more than ... The analyses help ODNR understand how wetlands are working on the landscape and make adjustments to produce the most valuable water ...