There are a few steps that could make a significant impact without requiring social media companies to completely overhaul ...
A new partnership is changing the way behavioral health emergencies are handled in Central New York. “This gives us an ...
NAMI urges President Trump and Congress to prevent reported cuts to SAMHSA, warning that reducing staff by 50% will worsen ...
People find AI more compassionate and understanding than human mental health experts, a new study shows. Even when ...
From suicide to burnout, young generations are facing significant mental health struggles, and this church is looking to ...
If residents in parts of Cleveland are experiencing a mental health crisis, they can call 988 instead of 911 to receive ...
The county commissioners sent a letter to state legislators and the governor requesting more money to address the growing ...
One year stats: Of the more than 6,000 calls the program responded to last year, 96% were handled without law enforcement ...
The reason the mobile crisis team will soon be available is because ADAMHS has just signed on a new partner to resume the ...
Students are still facing adverse mental health outcomes five years after COVID, but they're also leading a push for change.
There is a mental health crisis in the music industry, many insiders agree. A Nashville nonprofit is teaming up with ...
Advisers are recommending preliminary plans for a mental health crisis center in northeast Oklahoma City under the $1.1 ...