It detailed university officials’ attempts to cover their tracks by seeking help from technology staff to delete hard drives. The allegations even included a former Liberty president accused of ...
Brake alleges that he reported multiple cases of sexual harassment and other Title IX violations, including incidents involving coworkers, to Liberty University President Dondi Costin, reports WDBJ.
A former Liberty University civil rights investigator and professor has filed a lawsuit against the school that claims he was wrongly fired in retaliation for opposing alleged discrimination by ...
Brake eventually brought the concerns to Liberty University president Dondi Costin in late 2023 and to his supervisor, Ashley Reich. However, Brake alleges that he was then “interrogated” by LU’s ...
A former Liberty employee, who was working in the ... he brought forth the Title IX violations and concerns to University President, Dondi Costin. This comes on the heels of last year’s ...