On the day that President Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, the Reverand Jesse Jackson ... to defraud his campaign fund of about $750,000. Having done his time, Jackson Jr. is now on a mission ...
A civil rights activist who ran for president twice and became a Democratic power broker, Jackson is an American political ...
and how he could not vote due to his 2013 conviction for campaign fraud. After Harris’ defeat in November, Jackson Jr. along with his father, Jesse Jackson Sr., appealed to then-President Joe ...
Jesse Jackson apologized Wednesday for "crude and hurtful" remarks he made about Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama after an interview with a Fox News correspondent. The remarks came ...
A banner from the “Asian Americans for Jesse Jackson” campaign welcomes visitors to “Crescendo,” an ongoing archival exhibition at Asian Arts Initiative. The 1988 presidential campaign banner sets the ...
But the campaign always represented more than ... politics and a power broker in the Democratic Party. Jesse Jackson’s two presidential runs fundamentally altered the U.S. political landscape.