Gut microbiota may be the key factor explaining why certain individuals do not respond well to the pneumococcal vaccine, a ...
These products differ in a number of ways, including the Ig concentration, IgG subclass distribution, residual content of IgA, approved maximum infusion rate and excipients. [51–53] All these ...
Approximately 10% of celiac disease patients are IgA deficient, so both IgA and IgG should be used along with total IgA to determine whether there is an IgA deficiency. AGA: Antigliadin antibody ...
Serological testing in people who have IgA deficiency:- What is the sensitivity and specificity of IgG tissue transglutaminase (tTG), IgG endomysial antibodies (EMA) and IgG deamidated gliadin peptide ...