The Spirit Box can be a useful tool in tracking down paranormal occurances in Phasmophobia. Here's how to use it effectively. How to Start Glow in the Dark Challenge in Phasmophobia As with other ...
To identify your ghost in Phasmophobia, you will use various tools to uncover evidence fitting their characteristics or traits. Although you can only identify ghosts using three types of evidence, ...
One of the most difficult weekly tasks in Phasmophobia is the Gotta Go Fast challenge, as speed works both for and against you on one of the game's most infamous maps. If you find yourself having a ...
The Prestige system in Phasmophobia can provide players with some unique rewards for all their investigative efforts. Here's ...
Ultraviolet evidence is the easiest way to identify an Obake, so make sure you’re checking for it very frequently. Regularly use your Ultraviolet light to check doors, windows, keyboards, light ...
Challenge Mode is designed to test the skills of even the best ghost hunters in Phasmophobia ... Even better, the fuse box is also functional for this challenge, so turn it on as soon as you ...