George Lucas’ “Star Wars” producer Rick McCallum recently appeared on an episode of the “Young Indy Chronicles” podcast and ...
Question: Who do the Star Wars creator George Lucas and JPMorgan Chase ... Hobson married Lucas in 2013 at Skywalker Ranch. Lucas issued a statement from the ranch today, outlining his support ...
It completely blows my mind that 60 episodes of a live-action Star Wars show from the George Lucas era have been ...
George's oldest child was the ... "So yeah, I watched [movies] at Skywalker Ranch," she joked as the audience cheered, referring to Lucas' massive Marin County, Calif., ranch, which features ...
A lot of digital ink was spilled over the massive cost of The Acolyte, with smug haters blasting the show for its huge budget ...
A quarter century has passed since George Lucas released “The Phantom Menace ... “The Phantom Menace” follows Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), the father of the original trilogy’s ...
After the huge success of “American Graffiti” in 1973, George Lucas ... from the monument. “Lucas is a Victorian architect,” ...
Longtime George Lucas collaborator, producer Rick McCallum, has revealed new details about the scrapped Star Wars Underworld ...
This suggests George Lucas continued to have a bit of an issue with verboseness throughout the first six Skywalker Saga movies. Luckily, though, this cut Luke Skywalker line didn't make it into ...