CALLING someone a numpty is acceptable at work, an employment judge has ruled. The light-hearted jibe could not be ...
If an applicant or student wishes to file a formal complaint of discrimination on the basis of a disability, he or she must file such a complaint within twenty (20) days after the alleged ...
The Education Department's civil rights division has resumed investigations into disability-related discrimination complaints at schools, a memo says.
A memo to the department’s Office for Civil Rights reveals that the agency will allow “only disability-based discrimination” cases to proceed. Thousands of outstanding complaints will continue to sit ...
A Michigan federal district court granted summary judgment to Meijer Great Lakes Ltd. on the discriminatory discharge and failure to accommodate claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act and ...
According to the definition of the Disability Discrimination Act ... obtain an education or training, or work” (DDA, Art. 2(1)).
Jolene Mercadante alleges officials violated employment law and her civil rights by terminating her medical leave and ...
A Florida federal court granted summary judgment to the state corrections department on the claims of a corrections officer with mental health issues that he faced retaliation for filing an EEOC ...