The key chemical and biological weapons believed to have been stockpiled by Iraq can cause agonising death in the smallest doses. They are as follows: ANTHRAX: An acute infectious disease caused ...
Knowing that the other side could retaliate in kind, chemical and biological weapons did not come into large-scale use in WWII. But there were horrible exceptions: In 1935, Fascist Italy invaded ...
Richard Lugar is remembered not just in his home state of Indiana but across the world for many accomplishments throughout ...
The robotic system, dubbed the Autonomous Equipment Decontamination System, was created by the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities ...
Have you ever wondered how our brave soldiers deal with nasty stuff like chemical and biological weapons? Currently, it's a risky and time-consuming process. Soldiers have to suit up in cumbersome ...
The former chemical weapons facility is now a military radar station. Operation Cauldron was a series of secret biological warfare trials in 1952. Scientists from Porton Down and the Royal Navy ...
Some 25,000 rockets and 15,000 artillery shells with chemical agents are also unaccounted for, the experts said. The Iraqis also have biological weapons, according to U.S. officials. Defense ...
Ukraine's Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defence Intelligence Groups from the Support Forces Command have documented ...
Russia has revisited accusations that Washington was violating international treaties on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, the latest in a series of unsubstantiated claims by ...
Richard Lugar is remembered not just in his home state of Indiana but across the world for many accomplishments throughout ...