In the 14 th and 15 th centuries, little was known about how germs cause disease. But according to medieval medical lore, the stench of rotting bodies was known to transmit infections. So when ...
Since 2018, the WSWS has been drawing attention to the influx of military-intelligence operatives into the Democratic Party, ...
Ebright responded that SARS-CoV-1 has been identified by the US government as having “high potential for use as a bioweapon ...
Along with several other American bioweapons experts—among them Jonathan King, professor of molecular biology at MIT, and Barbara Rosenberg, who studied biowarfare with the Federation of ...
Though naturally occurring smallpox virus has been eradicated, engineered versions of the virus pose a biowarfare or bioterrorism threat. ACAM2000 was designated for use in the event of a such ...
We also interviewed the US State Department investigators — including experts on China, emerging pandemic threats, and biowarfare — who conducted the first significant US inquiry into the ...
The sketchy history of international efforts to control bioweapons suggests that nations will resist cooperative monitoring of gene hacking for medical research. Countries closed their borders in ...
It could be used to fuel biowarfare or overturn democratic elections and governments through disinformation campaigns. “The choices the government makes now about how to develop and deploy these ...
Similar studies of the biowarfare between microorganisms have led scientists to identify many antimicrobial molecules, says O'Connor. The vast majority of antibiotics prescribed by physicians ...
Did this virus come from a lab? Maybe not — but it exposes the threat of a biowarfare arms race Sam Husseini Joe Biden won't tell the truth about his Iraq war record — and he hasn't for years ...
Japan also refused to ratify the agreement in 1925. The Japanese military practiced biowarfare on a mass scale in the years leading up to and throughout World War II. Directed against China ...