Police say they are investigating a suspected case of vandalism at Bath Iron Works, which was reported about a month ago.
Michael Burpee, 25, is being charged with aggravated criminal mischief, a felony, due to the extent of the damage, which ...
Nearly every city and town in Maine can claim a “Great Fire” in their history, and for Bath, there are numerous fires which were large and greatly destructive. However, the Great Bath Fires of ...
Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) training is seeing an increase in sign-ups as more people seek ways to protect themselves.
Piled-up snow and cold didn't stop hundreds from coming out to Bath's Winterfest celebration on Saturday to enjoy free, family-friendly events and light up the night during the annual lantern parade.
Maine Things To Do the week of Feb. 18 through Feb. 24.Saturday, Feb. 22Bath WinterfestWhere: BathWhen: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.Quad County Snowmobile Club Hot Dog BBQWhere: East Shore Road, LakevilleWhen: ...
Once per year, the Bath-Brunswick Regional Chamber celebrates ... up for if you are a business leader in the region; just email me at [email protected] to get on the distribution list.
Self pay $125/hour or Mainecare. Accepting New Telehealth Clients: People who work with me will find a therapist who is welcoming, non-judgmental, and flexible. I lean heavily on years of training ...