YR4 has a 2.3% chance of hitting Earth in the year 2032. But according to new estimates, it may have an even smaller chance of hitting the moon instead.
The rock tour has officially been canceled. After two months of observations, NASA scientists have officially declared Earth ...
Now, new calculations by University of Arizona astronomer David Rankin have reportedly found that there is a slim chance of about 0.3 per cent of the 90-metre-wide asteroid crashing onto the ...
An asteroid crashing into Earth in an illustration ... But what happens if this city-killer asteroid hits the Moon instead? According to David Rankin, an operations engineer at the University ...
Called 2024 MK, the space rock will make its closest approach to Earth at 9:46 AM EST (13:46 GMT) passing by at about three-quarters the distance from Earth to the moon. It was first spotted two ...