Field Training offers cadets a firsthand look at the Air Force environment. You will attend an approximately 14-day summer Field Training session at Maxwell AFB, AL. At Field Training, cadets receive: ...
Headquarters Air Force ROTC is looking to bring our innovations to the rest of the nation. One of my favorite ROTC experiences was our most recent Multi-Domain Field Training Exercise, where we were ...
Air Force ROTC unofficially began with the passage of the Morrill Act (Land-Grant Act) in 1862, which established military training at land-grant colleges and universities. But the name "Reserve ...
At key points in the AFROTC program - Field Training enrollment, enlistment (contracting as a Cadet), and then commissioning (as a Second Lieutenant) - cadets must meet Body Mass Index (BMI) standards ...
The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC ... Read More: Navy ROTC Marine Corps Option Air Force ROTC units at colleges and universities are called "detachments." Students interested in the ...
Once on active duty, you will receive specialized training in a career field. The AFROTC ... sources for the United States Air Force, along with the Academy and Officer Training School. Cadets take ...
The Air Force ROTC curriculum has three central components: academic classes, the leadership laboratory (LLab), and physical training (PT ... guest speakers, and field trips. Past LLabs done by ...
These phases are separated by Field Training, which occurs during the summer following a cadet's sophomore year. Each phase is also broken down by year level with specific required classes designed to ...
Upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and Air Force ROTC, you will be commissioned as an officer, followed by specific training in a career field. Officers are trained to be the leaders and ...
Field Training, which takes place at an Air Force base ... and learning what life will look like once they reach active duty. Air Force ROTC offers a variety of different professional development ...
Air Force ROTC at SUNY Cortland is a college program offered ... students must successfully complete a 24-day summer field-training exercise at Maxwell AFB, Ala. Once enrolled in POC, they'll attend ...