Rajaram Dhawde

Dhawade is a small village in the state of Maharashtra, India. This village is more commonly referred to as "Zirve-Dhawade" to specify its location. Dhawade has a total village area of 180,316.72 m² ha. Out of that, 2,700 ha of land is under cultivation, of which 900 ha is irrigated and 1,800 ha is rain fed. Of the remaining, 285.82 ha is under forest, 53 ha under vill…
Dhawade is a small village in the state of Maharashtra, India. This village is more commonly referred to as "Zirve-Dhawade" to specify its location. Dhawade has a total village area of 180,316.72 m² ha. Out of that, 2,700 ha of land is under cultivation, of which 900 ha is irrigated and 1,800 ha is rain fed. Of the remaining, 285.82 ha is under forest, 53 ha under village habitation, 0.2 ha. is burial ground, and the balance is under roads, path, streams, and rocky outcrops.
  • Country: India
  • State: Maharashtra
  • Region: West India
  • Division: Nashik Division
  • District: Dhule
  • Talukas: Sindhkheda
  • Nearest city: Dondaicha
Data from: en.wikipedia.org